Tzofiya, a Jewish believer, played an integral role in the establishing of several South Florida churches, is the founder of As You Go Ministries and is an ambassador for Tikkun Global. helping impart revival through “As You Go” ministry teaching within Tikkun’s network of congregations and acts as a bridge to the larger church body of Messiah.
Tzofiya with husband Avi Rogers co-founded Beth Tikkun Messianic Congregation, North Carolina, where Tzofiya served as its ministry pastor alongside Avi the Congregational Leader from 2015 to 2019. In 2019 Tzofiya was Commissioned as a prophet by Harvest International Ministries (HIM).
Avi and Tzofiya currently reside, with their youngest daughter Bella, in the South Florida area and serve in leadership at Beth Yeshua Messianic Congregation as Messianic Ministers.
They are the parents of ten children and grandparents of 19.